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Holistic voice coach Jodie Elms voice workshops 2023...

Updated: May 18, 2023

About holistic voice coach Jodie Elms' voice workshops...

It has been such a sweet start to 2023; working with my 1-2-1 holistic voice coaching clients, supporting their vocal and wellbeing transformations; hosting and fascititaing voice and meditation at two 'Woman Empowered' retreats. And now, as the sun comes out of hiding and summer expansion beckons; the festival season is fast approaching. Beginning to feel excited about holding voice workshops at festivals.

Starting with 'Authentic Voice', Thursday 1st June, at Freezone Festival, Gaunts House in Dorest #freezonefestival. This workshop is all about tuning in to your inner voice - somatically sensing what it has to say - and giving that voice full loving permission to release and be heard and explored.

My second workshop is 'Voice & the vagus nerve' Friday 2nd June, at Freezone Festival. In this workshop we will learn about the voice's intrinsic connection to the parasymapthetic nervous system, and the body's innate ability to regulate and find its calm through voice. #vagusnerve #voiceworkshop

For me, as a person who is HSP and an introvert, offering voice workshops to groups of 30 to 200 people could feel extremely overwhelming. The festival workshops are such powerful teachers for me - a juicy opportunity to 'take my own medicine'. They are opportunities to lean in to the very thing that I offer - how to regulate the nervous system, how to honour the truth of how I am feeling, how to speak and voice from the belly of my being. Before each workshop, I take myself through the very steps and exercises that I coach - and have the chance to move from feelings of excess energy (anxiety), nervousness, the loud inner-critic voice, to a place of calm, homeostasis, authentic vulnerability where I feel safe and connected to myself and the world around me (of course I am only human, so an element of nervousness is only natural, but now, it is an energy that doesn't overwhelm).

There will be more to come about these workshops, so please watch this space... including a return to the beautiful Buddhafield Festival 2023, more Woman Empowered retreat's, and a voice workshop in The New Forest later in the year. #jodieelms #holisticvoicecoach

Until then... wishing you freedom of expression and wellbeing.


Holistic voice coach Jodie Elms offering voice and the vagus nerve workshops at Freezone festival, Buddhafield Festival, Woman Empowered Retreats. Holistic voice coaching in Ringwood Hampshire
Jodie Elms holding voice workshops at Freezone Festival

Photo from 'Voice & the vagus nerve' workshop at Freezone Festival 2022.

Holistic voice coach Jodie Elms voice workshops.

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